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Money Back Guarantee

Money Back Guarantee allows the Customer to request reimbursement in cases which are described below.

If the Customer’s request does not fit into any category, he/she can contact the Support Team to discuss the nature of the request and it will be considered.

Order Cancellation

If a Customer decides to cancel an Order, the following rules apply:

1. If the Customer decides to cancel an Order when no Writer has been assigned, then the Customer has the right to a 100% compensation.

2. If the Customer decides to cancel an Order when a Writer has already been assigned, the amount of compensation cannot exceed 70%, because the writers work must be compensated.

3. In case the Writer is assigned and more than half the deadline has passed, the Customer is entitled to a 50% compensation.

Late Delivery

In case of delayed delivery of a product, the Customer is entitled to a Time Delivery Difference Compensation, which is calculated in every case separately, depending on the initial deadline and the time of delay.  

For long-term Orders (14 days+), the amount of compensation shall be 7%.

Compensation for delay cannot be provided if:

1. The delay was a consequence of actions made by the Customer. This includes a delay in payment, delay in the provision of necessary sources or failure to respond to questions or requests from us in a timely manner.

2. The inability to receive the product on time due to technical complications of Customer’s internet provider, Browser, or any system malfunctions. 

3. The Customer provided a deadline extension voluntarily.

Bad Quality Claims

1. If the Customer is not satisfied with the provided product and would like to get a compensation, the Quality Assurance Team will conduct an investigation. The Customer needs to provide detailed feedback that indicates a mismatch in the Order instructions. The resolution of the Customer’s claim will be based on the result of investigation.

Note: in an instance where a bad quality claim is filed, and the order was previously sent for Revision, a compensation will not exceed 70%, because a request for Revision indicates that that customer has partially approved of the piece.  

2. The paper that is created by the Company is for reference purposes only and is not ready for any submission. If the claim for compensation is due to a bad grade, such cases will be investigated according to the comments on the content, produced by the Writer.

3. If the claim is that the paper is unoriginal, a credible plagiarism report is required (preferably “”).

4. If the compensation is requested for Editing, Proofreading or Formatting Order, the investigation will not be conducted if a bad quality claim is of contextual nature. Editing, proofreading and formatting services do not presuppose input to the original context. 

Order Details/preferences

1. Any Purchased Order Preferences are non-refundable as are inseparable from the initial product and service provided. The only exceptions are ‘Draft’, ‘1-page summary’ or ‘Originality report’ features, if they are not provided to the Customer in addition to the product. 

2. The Customer may select a Writer to work on the Order by indicating his/her ID number in the ‘Preferred Writer ID’ field on the Order form. By doing so, the Customer acknowledges that there is no 100% guarantee that the specific Writer is available to work on the Order. Should such instance occur, the Company reserves the right to assign the best available specialist in the Subject Area of the Order, matching Preferred Writer performance level. Compensatios for the cost of the Preferred Writer feature can only be placed in the customer’s account toward a future order.

3. A non-applied discount cannot be compensated in any way.  It is Customer’s sole responsibility to track the accuracy of all Order Details, including the “Discount” field. The Customer may consult our Support Team in Order to check the availability of discounts.


In Order to submit a compensation request, the Customer must contact the Support Team within 6 months after the Order was completed.

The Billing Department representative requires up to 2-5 days to review the request, and provide the resolution to the Customer over the phone or by e-mail. In certain cases, the Customer's claim may be reviewed immediately or within a shorter time period.

Our representative has the right to request any additional information from the Customer that is required to process the claim correctly. 

Refund processing

Once the Customer receives a refund confirmation, the Company will process it within 5 business days from the confirmation date. Please note, that the Company cannot be held responsible for any Bank Transfer fees, peculiarities of transfer, and possible delays occurring due to Bank service issues.

Refunds can only be processed if they are more than 10 (Ten) CAD. If the transaction is for a smaller amount - it cannot be processed due to the fact that it barely covers transaction fees both of Company and Clients’ bank. Any refund amount less than $10 will be applied to the customer’s account for use toward a future order.