
Writer Level
Best AvailableThe first available writer will be signed for your order


PremiumThe most skilled and suitable writer will be provided for the paperwork


Top 10The best writer on our resource will work with your paper


Originality Report
Plagiarized papers? Not with CanadianWritings! Every customer is being given a 100% unique paper which guarantee is given by the originality report. Make sure you work with the best!


Proofread by Editor
To guarantee the completed top-notch point of your order we ask our editor to proofread your paper. It`s a huge benefit that will implement the quality of your paper. Order papers of the highest quality only!

$3.43(per page)

1-Page Summary
For extra large and volumetric papers we at CanadianWritings.com introduce the feature of a one-page summary. If your assignment is 10+ pages - do not forget to send it to us for additional help.


Service for Customers
BasicAny available member of the support department will help you 24/7


AdvancedMore skilled member of the support team will take care after your paper


PremiumPremium level of support from the best support team member 24/7.


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